Zealand Mtn., Mt. Guyot, and Zeacliff Outlook

Mountains:  Zealand Mtn. (4260'), Mt. Guyot (4580'), Zeacliff Outlook (3700'),
Trails:  Twinway, Appalachian Trail
Region:  NH - Central East  
White Mountain National Forest, Twin Range
Location:  Bethlehem, NH
Rating:  Moderate  
Features:  Summit, views, 4000-footer
Distance:  8.8 miles  
Elevation Gain:  2250 feet (cumulative)  
Hiking Time:  Typical: 5:30  
Outing Duration:  Typical: 7:30  
Season:  Winter
Hike Date:  02/01/2009 (Sunday)  
Last Updated:  11/05/2009  
Weather:  Snowy, windy
Author:  Cheryl Cromwell
Companion:  Rachel

Route Summary   

This was an ascent from Zealand Falls Hut under challenging winter conditions to Zealand Mountain and Mount Guyot with a stop at the Zeacliff Outlook on the way. The summit proper of Zealand doesn't offer any views but the Zeacliff Outlook and Mount Guyot do. Zealand Mountain spur sign barely visible just above the snowpack (photo by Rachel Bowles) Although both Zealand Mountain and Mount Guyot are each above 4000 feet in elevation, only Zealand is on the official 4000-footer list due to lack of enough elevation change between the two peaks.

  • Start at Zealand Falls Hut.
  • From the front porch turn right onto Twinway which is also part of the Appalachian Trail.
  • After barely 0.1 mile, turn left to keep on Twinway/Appalachian Trail while Lend-A-Hand Trail goes straight/right.
  • Follow Twinway/Appalachian Trail for an additional 1.1 miles then keep going straight, leaving the official Twinway/Appalachian Trail route which turns right. After about 50 yards you will reach the Zeacliff outlook.
  • Continue on the spur to rejoin Twinway/Appalachian Trail just a short ways past the outlook.
  • Zeacliff Trail goes off to the left about 0.1 mile later; stay straight on Twinway/Appalachian Trail.
  • After 0.4 mile, a spur path leads left 0.1 mile to the shore of Zeacliff Pond.
  • Continuing on the main trail, progress 1.2 miles farther then look for a small cairn and sign indicating the spur to Zealand Mountain on the right.
  • Turn right and follow the path for 0.1 mile to the summit of the viewless peak.
  • Retrace your steps for 0.1 mile on the spur, then turn right to resume your trek on Twinway/Appalachian Trail.
  • Another 1.2 miles of first downhill then uphill hiking will bring you to the summit of Mount Guyot with good views.
  • To return to the hut, retrace your footsteps.

Place         Split
Zealand Falls Hut (2630') 0.0 0.0
Zeacliff outlook (3700') 1.2 1.2
Jct. Twinway/Spur to Zealand (4250') 1.7 2.9
Zealand Mtn. summit (4260') 0.1 3.0
Jct. Twinway/Spur to Zealand (4250') 0.1 3.1
Mt. Guyot summit (4580') 1.2 4.3
Jct. Twinway/Zealand spur 1.2 5.5
Zeacliff outlook (3700') 1.7 7.2
Zealand Falls Hut (2630') 1.2 8.4



Trail map of hike route to Zealand Mtn. and Mt. Guyot from Zealand Falls Hut (map by Webmaster)

Trail Guide   

This hike to Zealand Mountain and Mount Guyot started and ended at the Zealand Falls Hut where we spent two nights, after hiking in with our Seacoast Dayhiker friends. The hike into the hut is covered by the separate Zealand Falls Hut trail report.

Snowdrifts (photo by Rachel Bowles) On Sunday, our only full day at the hut, Rachel and I headed up the steep climb to Zeacliff Outlook. We followed the sign that said "View" but due to the snowy weather there was none to be had.

We continued on the even steeper trail to Zealand Mountain taking turns breaking trail in the deep drifted snow. The going was real slow. When we stopped to discuss if we could have missed the spur to Zealand's summit we looked down at our feet and there was the ankle-high sign with an arrow pointing north 0.1 mile. We had to wander around in the deep snow a bit before we found the summit sign with a snow pile drifted behind it much higher than the sign.

We continued southwest back on Twinway/Appalachian Trail and found even deeper snowdrifts and exhausting ascending and descending terrain. We had previously agreed to a 1:00 p.m. turn-around time. That brought us to the 4580-foot Mount Guyot summit where we were met with stripped alpine tundra and blasts of wind stinging our face and eyes. At that point we would have had to don our goggles and face masks or turn back (we had hoped to continue to the Bonds). Since it was just after 1 p.m. we chose to turn back.

Back at the hut Dave (the caretaker), Rach and I waited for a party of eight and a buddy of ours. No one showed! It was just us. I had a hand crank radio and we baked cookies. The outside temp was in the low 30's and inside the hut it was in the 60's. It was a great hike and a very nice night.

In the morning we ate oatmeal and packed up and headed out by way of Mount Hale via Lend-A-Hand Trail. That was a nice climb as apparently a group had hiked out that way the day before leaving us great snow steps up the steeps. We got back to the parking lot at just about 2 p.m.

What a great trip. Thanks for initiating it Deb. It was a pleasure to share all of your company.

NH - Central East

  Driving Directions   

This hike started from Zealand Falls Hut. See the associated Zealand Falls Hut trail report for both driving and hiking directions leading to the hut.

Or check out the Zeacliff Outlook trail report for summer access driving and hiking directions to the hut.


Zealand Falls Hut with bathrooms and kitchen and lodging facilities.

More Zealand Mtn., Mt. Guyot Trail Reports   


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