Hiking Time Calculator

Indian pipes at Manchester Cedar Swamp (photo by Ben Kimball for the NH Natural Heritage Bureau) The tool below is to be used for estimating hiking times. This calculator takes the hiking distance and elevation, as well as YOUR hiking pace into consideration when making the estimate.

Typical values used for speed (during normal, non-winter conditions) are 30 minutes for walking one mile on level ground, plus an additional 30 minutes for each 1,000 feet of elevation gain... but hiking paces can vary greatly so it's best if you have some idea what YOUR pace is.

Generally no extra time needs to be added for elevation loss (going downhill) but quite a few people do find themselves going more slowly downhill due to bad knees or steep pitches.

There are also places in the form below to add in extra "miscellaneous" time for both the hike to and the hike from your destination. This is in case you want to add, for example, 30 minutes to a hike because you know it has a short section of challenging rock scrambles that will take you longer.

I've tried to make this tool as flexible as possible but it's important that you enter meaningful values so that the calculator can produce a good estimate. All fields are optional - just enter values for the characteristics that pertain to your particular hike.

Input Hike Statistics:
     TO Destination:        miles    Elevation Gain: feet
     Click when you're going up and down via the same route for automatic fill-in
     FROM Destination:  miles    Elevation Loss: feet
Input YOUR Speed:
(Use the pace of the slowest person in your group.)
     Walking on level ground: minutes/mile
     Extra minutes for 1,000 feet of elevation GAIN:  minutes
     Extra minutes for 1,000 feet of elevation LOSS: minutes
     Add extra time to get TO destination due to hike's features:           minutes
     Add extra time to return FROM destination due to hike's features: minutes

Mt. Madison (photo by Mark Malnati)


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