Sliding Rock

Destination:  Sliding Rock
Region:  NH - Southeast  
Seacoast Region
Location:  Newmarket, NH
Rating:  Easy  
Features:  River
Distance:  Short  
Season:  Variable
Last Updated:  05/11/2009  
Author:  Phil Blampied

This information has been excerpted (with permission) from 20 Great Easy Woods Walks near Seacoast New Hampshire, by Phil Blampied, copyright 1999.

Trail Guide   

A small parcel of woods at the confluence of the Piscassic and Lamprey Rivers, the Sliding Rock Conservation area offers more to see than to walk, but the sights are striking enough to merit a visit anyway. This 2.5 acre woods was donated to the town by the developer of the large apartment complexes surrounding it.

The woods are just deep enough to get you out of sight of buildings and the road. At the tip, where the property sticks out into the rivers, is an overlook. While located on the built-up side of the river, the property looks out to completely undeveloped woods across the river. Wildlife sighting is good here.


NH - Southeast

  Driving Directions   

  • Take Rt. 108 to Newmarket and turn onto Elm Street (to find Elm, watch for the town library at the corner).
  • Take Elm up and over the hill to Beech Street (across from L & M Variety).
  • Turn right, take Beech to its end, and continue bearing right, past the apartment complexes and bus shelter to Piscassic Street.
  • Turn right and park on the road side at the small cul-de-sac.


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