Peaked Mountain and Middle Mountain
Route Summary This is a loop hike first summiting Middle Mountain, and then continuing along to summit Peaked Mountain.
Trail Guide Thirteen happy hikers congregated at the trailhead to Middle Mountain at 9:30 debating whether or not snowshoes were needed... the six hikers who chose the snowshoes were the smart ones! Once we were a mile into the trail and heading to the summit of Middle Mountain, we all wished we had worn them. In some places the snow was two feet deep! Fortunately, our snowshoe clad friends did not mind leading the group and breaking trail. (Well, there was a little whining.) Having to plod up the mountain in the deep snow made the hike quite challenging! The summit of Middle Mountain was lovely. We were able to enjoy lunch with views to the east and southeast. One in our group even attempted what is called "trash bag" sledding. After a half hour of leisure the group prepared to continue on. The snowshoe clad leaders trekked to the front and began the descent of Middle Mountain then north to Peaked Mountain. The summit of Peaked Mountain was spectacular! There was plenty of room to rest and relax and enjoy another lovely view in the warm sunshine. After another half hour or so, we reluctantly headed down Peaked Mountain towards the trailhead. All went well until Pam suggested a shortcut... without a compass, and only having the brook as our guide, we bushwhacked through the deep snow and dense brush the last half mile of the hike and found our way to Thompson Road. All agreed it was an adventurous, challenging and enjoyable hike. |
Driving Directions
Other Notes Note that there used to be a parking area at the far end of Thompson Road but parking is no longer permitted there; however you can still access that trailhead by foot. Park as described above, then walk 0.6 mile farther down Thompson Road to its end. Then follow the trail for 0.3 mile and you will end up at information kiosk #2. From here, going straight, you'd be following Peaked Mountain Trail up towards Peaked Mountain's summit. The trail that turns left at information kiosk #2 is the lower junction of Black Cap Connector that eventually (after 3.8 miles) leads to Black Cap summit (2369'). More Peaked / Middle Mountain Trail Reports |
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