Seavey Woods

Area:  Seavey Woods
Region:  NH - Southeast  
Seacoast Region
Location:  Rye, NH
Rating:  Easy  
Features:  Salt marsh
Distance:  1.0 mile  
Elevation Gain:  Minimal  
Hiking Time:  Typical: 0:30  
Outing Duration:  Typical: 1:15  
Season:  Variable
Author:  Phil Blampied

This information has been excerpted (with permission) from 20 Great Easy Woods Walks near Seacoast New Hampshire, by Phil Blampied, copyright 1999.

Trail Guide   

Seavey Woods, located in Rye on Pioneer Road, is a town-owned, 56-acre plot - about half of which is salt marsh. Look for a granite historical marker, commemorating the Seavey family. A woods road cuts through the middle of the property, ending about at Sagamore Road, about a half mile distance.


NH - Southeast

  Driving Directions   

  • To reach Pioneer Road, take Rt. 1A south from Portsmouth. This becomes Pioneer after Foy's Corner (the intersection with several roads and businesses).
  • Proceed over the crest of the hill and watch for a fire hydrant on the right.
  • Look for a sign, "Land Protected by LPIC".
  • There is room for parking on the side of the road.

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