Rail Trail: Newfields to Manchester

Area:  Rail Trail
Trail:  Rail Trail
Region:  NH - Southeast  
Seacoast Region
Location:  Newfields, NH
Rating:  Easy  
Features:  Wetlands
Distance:  Variable  
Elevation Gain:  Minimal  
Season:  Variable
Author:  Phil Blampied

This information has been excerpted (with permission) from 20 Great Easy Woods Walks near Seacoast New Hampshire, by Phil Blampied, copyright 1999.

Trail Guide   

All over the country, abandoned railroad beds are being turned into hiking trails. In this area, one of these old railroad right of ways starts in Newfields and continues to the outskirts of Manchester.

This perfectly flat, gravel-based pathway will take you most of the way to Manchester, if you're looking for a day-long walk, or can provide a nice half-hour stroll into the woods in Newfields. The pathway gets deeply into woods and wetlands right away, and, as railroad beds were built up above the surrounding terrain, this is an embankment, creating dry passage through bramble and swamp. An excellent bike path. With wet areas alongside the pathway, it can get extremely buggy in late spring and early summer.


NH - Southeast

  Driving Directions   

To get to the Newfields trailhead, take Rt. 108 to Newmarket and turn onto Ash Swamp Road (the road across from the athletic club and next to the golf course). Bear left about a hundred yards to the abandoned railway depot and park there. The active train tracks are in front of you; the abandoned B&M railroad bed starts about 50 yards up to the right, behind the gate.

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