College Woods

Area:  College Woods
Region:  NH - Southeast  
Seacoast Region
Location:  Durham, NH
Rating:  Easy  
Features:  Brook, reservoir
Distance:  Variable  
Elevation Gain:  Minimal  
Season:  Variable
Author:  Phil Blampied

This information has been excerpted (with permission) from 20 Great Easy Woods Walks near Seacoast New Hampshire, by Phil Blampied, copyright 1999.

Trail Guide   

Behind the University of New Hampshire is a 240-acre woodland which, in one area, surrounds the Durham Reservoir, and, in another, surrounds College Brook.

A well-used network of trails loops around this section of woods, following the brook at times, the edge of the athletic fields at others, and sometimes just heading deep into the trees. With the trail forking in different directions several times, a walk through these woods can last a couple of hours, as you choose first one direction and then another.

The trails are excellent for cross-country skiing.

NH - Southeast

  Driving Directions   

A reliable trailhead into the College Brook section of the woods lies southwest of Main Street, just behind one of the UNH athletic fields (Mooradian Field) next to the railroad tracks.

  • To reach it, turn off Main Street (left if you're coming from the center of the village) at the traffic light next to the New Hampshire Hall, just before the Whittemore Center.
  • Go down one block to Colovos Road, turn right and continue through the underpass under the railroad tracks.
  • Bear left to the "Ritzman Lot", which is right next to the trailhead.
  • Parking here is open to the public on weekends, but off-limits weekdays.
  • An alternative is to park in the public lots, and walk through the underpass under Main Street.

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